Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Week Two: Famous Last Words

I think I honestly had more fun doing my storybook assignment (which just included brief ideas) than the main storytelling/reading assignment. I think when I first chose Bible Women I didn't realize the length of all of the stories and how much the language might throw me off from the plot line. The beginning paragraphs that outlined the story were very helpful, but in the end, reading 20 stories written in old English was difficult and made enjoying the stories harder. I still got the gist of what happened and liked reading about how women were portrayed in the Bible, but might have enjoyed another folktale more.

Doing the storybook assignment was fun because I got to see a lot of topics that I was interested in. I read plenty of stories while looking for ideas and was surprised that I liked so many. Especially the mermaid tales, they were really interesting. Through that assignment I got to read other Beauty and The Beast stories, a story about Hades and the creation of winter, mermaid myths and more of the many Aesop's fables.

I enjoyed reading all of these stories and I know there are many more on each of these topics. I was especially drawn to the story of Hades and Persephone, because I like how the story ended with something that still exists today: winter. I know many Indian folktales end like that, and I always enjoyed reading about these alternative reasonings. I think stories about astrology and the stars are always fascinating because they have similar ideas and concepts. I think the storybook assignment will turn out to be really interesting and fun to write.

I have also gotten to read some past storybooks and have enjoyed seeing others' work. Everyone I've seen has been so creative and interesting. I really liked seeing how people used old myth and folktales to apply to modern context. I've seen Aesop's fables applied to Mean Girls, inside Tinkerbell's mind in Peter Pan and mermaid tales. All of them have impressed me, so I think making my own will be pretty cool.


  1. Hey Jessica!

    I enjoyed reading your famous last words for week 2! When I think back to that week when we first started exploring the storybooks, I remember really enjoying that assignment as well. I remember I saw the mean girls storybook and it excited me because I thought it would be great to create something like that of my own. Now, I am doing the portfolio, but at the time I was fascinated with the creative ideas people came up with for the storybooks.

    I hope your storybook is going well and you're still enjoying working on it! Best of luck, I know you will do great!

  2. Hey there!
    I agree, the storybook is the best part of this class (even if I was confused in the beginning - think I've got the hang of it now though). I haven't gotten to your storybook I don't think, but I'll keep an eye out for it. I love any story about Hades and Persephone - looking at all the different takes on that is really fascinating to me. Your comment on stories ending with real things is nice too, haven't thought too much about that before but I have to agree with you.
    Also, fun fact: the New King James is actually written in Middle New English (same with Shakespeare). New English changes so much that they had to spilt it into three sections: old, middle, and new (which is current English). Old English is Beowulf, which is ridiculously hard to read.

  3. I guess I now know that you really did enjoy the story of Hades and Persephone and actually wrote your storybook on it. I definitely understand what you mean about the women in the Bible section. I started to read them since I figured I would at least recognized all the stories, but King James can just get so rough sometimes. Anyway, I am glad you picked Persephone for your story.

  4. I am also a huge fan of the story of Hades and Persephone - I think it may be one of my favorite Greek myths! The etiology for the seasons was very interesting. I was really happy to find out that I was the only one who really liked that first storybook assignment. I had so much fun reading through the storybooks! I swear I could've spent hours looking at all of them. I love how so many of them had such unconventional perspective or formats that got you to think about some familiar stories in unfamiliar ways. I'm glad you were so inspired by the other story book assignments and I can't wait to see how yours is going!

  5. I also saw the storybook about the Mean Girls! When I stumbled upon it I couldn't believe my eyes haha. I would agree with you that the storybook has been an enjoyable assignment to do so far. Recently I read the unit Brer Rabbit, it also has some language that makes it difficult to decipher what exactly is going on. I also had a feeling of accomplishment getting through that unit.
